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SharePoint organisation news site

As a SharePoint administrator you can specify any number of organisation news sites.
An organisation news site is a site where the news/posts get a visual enhancement and appear on the SharePoint start page.

Using PnP PowerShell you can:

  • Set a site as an organisation news site.
  • Return a list of all the configured organisational news sites.
  • Remove a site from the list of organisational news sites.

Using SharePoint Online Management Shell, connect as global admin or SharePoint admin.

To set a site as an organization news source in your tenant, run the following command

   -OrgNewsSiteUrl <SitePipeBind>
   [-Connection <PnPConnection>]


Add-PnPOrgNewsSite -OrgNewsSiteUrl ""​

To return a list of all the configured organisational news sites run the following command

   [-Connection <PnPConnection>]



To remove a site from the list of organisational news sites run the following command

      -OrgNewsSiteUrl <SitePipeBind>
      [-Connection <PnPConnection>]


Remove-PnPOrgNewsSite -OrgNewsSiteUrl ""

About the author

Giorgio Capisani

Giorgio Capisani

I am an experienced IT professional specialising in Microsoft technologies (SharePoint 2010/2013/Online, Power Platform, Office 365), with over 10 years of experience in large public and private sector organisations. 

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